
The Eco-Fair course received positive feedback!

The Eco-Fair course received positive feedback!

By on 02/06/2021

In the past time, the project “Promotion of supply and demand of Eco-Fair agri-food processing products in Vietnam” has implemented three online courses, including the Sustainable Production course for MSMEs. The course is for representatives of micro, small and medium enterprises which operate in the field of agricultural processing products and want to cut costs […]

FAO – Water Tenure Mondays webinar series

FAO – Water Tenure Mondays webinar series

By on 08/05/2021

The Water Tenure Mondays webinar series creates a forum for building a stronger water tenure concept and pursue FAO’s efforts in broadening the knowledge base of its application to achieve a more equitable and secure access to water, even in conditions of scarcity. It aims to refine our understanding of the water tenure concept and […]

Regional policy forum on Developing Public Policies for Family Farming

Regional policy forum on Developing Public Policies for Family Farming

By on 29/04/2021

Regional policy forum on “Developing Public Policies for Family Farming: Reaching Out to the Grassroots” through Participatory Policy Making co-organized by Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and Asian Farmers Association (AFA) will be held virtually on 27th April from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (Manilla time) via Zoom. […]

The Workshop – Training on sustainable production in Dak Lak

The Workshop – Training on sustainable production in Dak Lak

By on 20/04/2021

On April 16th, 2021, at Daruko hotel in Dak Lak provice, Dr. Nguyen Bao Thoa, Director of Vietnam Rural Industries Research and Development Institute, Manager of project “Promotion of supply and demand of eco fair agri-food processing products in Vietnam” had the training combined seminar with local staff regarding to the challenges and impacts of […]

Decree No.103/2020/ND-CP of the Government on certification of the varieties of fragrant rice exported to the European Union

Decree No.103/2020/ND-CP of the Government on certification of the varieties of fragrant rice exported to the European Union

By on 02/04/2021

The Government issued Decree No. 103/2020/NĐ-CP regulating the certification of fragrant rice varieties on the list specified at Point 8, sub-section 1, Section B, Appendix 2-A of the Agreement. Viet Nam fragrant rice is entitled to quota-based import duty exemption when exporting to the EU market. The 09 fragrant rice varieties eligible for duty exemption […]