INTRODUCTIONDEVELOPMENT OF ECO-FAIR WOMEN BUSINESSES (SUSTAINABLE BUSINESSS) IN GREEN AND CIRCULAR AGRICULTURE SECTOR IN VIETNAMIn many countries, eco agriculture and Fair Trade are emerging as a promising agricultural development strategy, particularly in economic plans such as the national socio-economic development lagging areas away from the Mekong corridor. The newly signed EVFTA (European Union Vietnam Free Trade Agreement) between the EU and Vietnam has a specific clause related to promoting eco-fair products; however, challenges persist.

Time: from 2024 – 2027.

Budget: 1.047.800 EUR

In which, 85% funded by the European Union.

VIRI and VNCPC cooperate with Farmer Union to implement the programs in 04 provinces: Bac Giang, Tuyen Quang, Binh Dinh, Kien Giang.

The overall objective of the Action is to support women businesses in improving access to decent jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities for women and girls of all diversities in the green and circular agriculture sector

Impact of the Action: Women and girls of all diversities have more accessibility to decent jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities in the green economy and the circular economy through supporting Eco- Fair WBs.

Outcome 1: Capacity of WBs to implement Eco-Fair agriculture practices in the green and circular agriculture sector improved

Outcome 2: Implementation of Eco-Fair agriculture practices in the green and circular agriculture sector by WBs strengthened, contributing to reduced emission and creating job opportunities for female workers

Outcome 3: Access to finance for Eco-Fair WBs operating in the green and circular agriculture sector improved

Outcome 4: The market accessibility of Eco-Fair WBs enhanced.

Outcome 5: Policies on decent jobs for women and girls, green and circular agriculture are widely acknowledged.