The visiting to Hoa Binh province
On April 29th, the Supply and Demand for Eco-Fair Agri-Food processing in Vietnam, known as the Eco-Fair project, had the great honor to welcome Mr. Jean-Louis VILLE, Acting Director INTPA, Head of Unit – East, South-East Asia and Pacific, and the EU Delegation to Vietnam to visit the Eco-Fair model 3T Cooperative in Cao Phong district, Hoa Binh province.
Dr. Nguyen Bao Thoa, director of VIRI and the Eco-Fair project made a brief introduction about the project, and highlighted some of the results of the project to date.
Mr. Nguyen Hong Long, director of the Center for Creativity and Sustainability (CCS), the partner of the Eco-Fair project, introduced the problems of pests and soil health as well as the experimental solution that has yielded positive results.
The 3T Cooperative has received support from the Eco-Fair project in a variety of areas including capacity building in sustainable production (implemented by FUNZI); quick assessment of their Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (implemented by VNCPC); plant-parasitic nematode control and soil enhancements, using eco-friendly methods such as indigenous microorganisms and biochar, cover crops to retain water and prevent erosion, nitrogen-fixing plants…, and also in the development of new products derived from oranges such as orange tea, condensed orange juice, dried orange products, as well as others (implemented by CCS); products that can connecting to international markets are being selected to attend international fairs in Europe in the next coming time (implemented by VIRI).
Mr. Jean-Louis VILLE highly appreciates the activities of the Eco-Fair project and 3T Cooperative in aiding the transition to environmentally friendly agricultural practices. These practices also being in combination with methods of processing that increase efficiency and add to the value of the resulting agricultural products. Although the process of transition is still being developed, Mr. Jean-Louis VILLE and the EU Delegation to Vietnam enthusiastically encouraged in the continued efforts of the 3T Cooperative to become a pioneer in the areas represented within the eco-fair philosophy in Vietnam.
I also share the link of SWITCH Asia news about the trip: